

One could say that John Ravitz has experience navigating higher education institutions and the world of academia. Three of Ravitz’s four children currently attend college, and his fourth child is about to decide where he will attend in the coming fall. 鉴于他的洞察力, we asked Ravitz about the experience he has had with 埃尔迈拉大学, where his son Harry Ravitz ’23 is majoring in Business Administration.

哈利选择了mg冰球突破豪华版下载. 他想继续打篮球,继续学英语, 是NCAA三级学校, 这是他成为学生运动员的好方法吗. 在他高中的最后一年, he visited the school and spent time with the coaches and players on the basketball team. He felt comfortable and the team players told him great things about 埃尔迈拉大学. Also, walking around campus, the College just seemed like a very good fit.

For all of our kids, we think college is such an important four years of their life. We wanted Harry to be able to envision himself at a school like EC, 一个他可以做回自己的地方. Elmira checked all of those boxes for him and for us.

From your perspective, how has Harry benefitted from his experience at EC?
Harry benefited from teachers that really challenged him and gave him an opportunity to study subjects that he didn’t previously have familiarity with. He started as an Education major but after he began taking required business classes, 他决定在大二时换专业. That’s a testament to his advisors and teachers who opened a whole new interest for Harry, 我认为这非常令人兴奋.

Also, when you are a student-athlete, the first thing you need to learn is time management. 这是mg冰球突破豪华版下载教给他的一课. That was true even in the summer because you can’t just sit back when the coaches expect you to be in better shape when you return in the fall. 哈里对此的承诺非常重要.

Ultimately, he has become more confident in who he is as a person. 他学到了很多领导技巧. 对我来说最重要的是, he’s building a network of friends he will have for the rest of his life.

What would you want other parents to know about EC and the experiences they can expect?
电子商务是一个培育的环境. It’s a school that will challenge students, but also give them a lot of support and encouragement. 这就是父母们所期待的. 再一次。, 给学生成长的机会, 培养他们的领导能力, and - in Harry’s case - the ability to continue as a student-athlete.

Harry’s younger brother is considering 埃尔迈拉大学 as well. He wouldn’t have applied to EC if he hadn’t seen firsthand what Harry gained over the last four years.

Is there anything else you would like to add about the EC experience as a parent?
Beyond what we thought would be the case when we dropped Harry off for orientation, 埃尔迈拉大学 has given Harry different opportunities and many possibilities that will help him in the future. That only happens when the professors are challenging their students and when students can make friends that will be there for life.
