Wells College Students

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如果你(或你认识的人)可能经历过性侵犯或任何形式的不想要的性接触, tell someone what happened. Help and support are available.

Report an Incident

防止性骚扰及其他不当性行为政策 | Student Code of Conduct | Title IX Training Materials | 当你的朋友被性侵犯时不要做出反应的七种方法 | Preventing Sexual Assault | What Does Consent Mean? | Student Bill of Rights

Reporting Options for Sexual Misconduct

在投诉人第一次向mg冰球突破豪华版下载代表披露时,以及投诉人与第九条协调员首次会面时, the Complainant will be informed, “你有权向安全保障部报告, local law enforcement, and/or 状态 police or choose not to report; to report the incident to 埃尔迈拉 College; to be protected by the institution from retaliation for reporting an incident; and to receive assistance and resources from your institution.”

 投诉人有多种选择,既可以报告被禁止的行为,也可以从第九条协调员或授权指定人员那里获得有关其报告和支持选项的更多信息. 投诉人可以选择同时使用以下任何一种举报方式.

  • 投诉人可以选择与学院共享信息, receive resources and support, and pursue no resolution process at that time. When this is the expressed preference, 向投诉人提供资源并告知其支持措施.
  • 投诉人也可以选择向第九条协调员和/或安全和安保部举报性行为不端. When this is the expressed preference, the Complainant is provided resources, informed of Supportive Measures, and has the opportunity to discuss resolution options.
  • 第九条协调员可以在周一至周五上午8:30找到.m. - 4:30 p.m.,多元化、公平和包容校园中心办公室,电话 (607) 735-1930, or by emailing titleix@congtygulegend.net. After hours, 报告个人可以通过住宿主任随叫随到协议或通过安全和安保办公室与第九条协调员联系.


  • 可以通过拨打911向Chemung县治安部门或埃尔迈拉警察局报告.
  • 您也可以通过以下方式向纽约州警察局报案:

New York State Police
校园 Sexual Assault Victims Unit
1220 Washington Ave, Building 22
Albany, New York 12226
Dedicated 24-hour Hotline: 1 (844) 845-7269

  • 学院将协助任何人联系执法人员报告性行为不端的指控. 此外,任何校园社区成员都可以独立报告. Law enforcement follows its own procedures. If you choose to contact law enforcement directly, 执法部门可能不会通知学院你的报告. If you wish to make the College aware and involved, 请联系第九条协调员或安全与安保办公室.
  • Upon reviewing the facts of the case, 执法部门可能决定起诉此事,可能需要进一步参与执法工作. Once criminal charges are initiated, 只有在地区检察官办公室的适当同意下才能撤销指控. 如果对学院社区的安全有担忧,学院将对执法部门与学院共享的任何信息采取行动.
  • 埃尔迈拉 College fully supports all local, 状态, 联邦法律禁止不当性行为,并将在法律允许的最大范围内与调查此类指控的执法官员合作. In all cases reported to law enforcement, 学院将与执法部门协调调查和回应. 同时进行的调查不会妨碍学院进行自己的调查和处理程序, except for temporary delays requested by law enforcement

In addition to the reporting choices above, 个人可以向民权办公室提供有关其指控的信息, U.S. Department of Education.

The OCR National Headquarters is located at:

U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-1100
Telephone: (800) 421-3481
Fax: (202) 453-6012; TDD: (800) 877-8339
电子邮件: OCR@ed.政府

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