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Elmira College Student Featured In Roadtrip Nation Documentary

Leila Tevlin ’25, a Sociology and Anthropologymg冰球突破豪华版下载主修专业,在2022年秋季进行了一次改变人生的公路旅行. 这次旅行是一个名为“公路旅行国家”的纪录片节目的一部分,该节目经常在全国的公共广播电台播出. It premiered August 7, 2023.

Use the following link to watch the trailer for the four-part series, titled "Empowered State."

During the trip, Tevlin and two other “roadtrippers” David 杨, a computer science student at Columbia University, and Julia Dworetzky, who works as an environmental engineer in New York City, 他穿越纽约州,与清洁能源和可持续发展领域的专业人士交谈,一个电影摄制组跟着他.

“一开始,摄影机一直对着我真的很奇怪,”特夫林说. “工作人员收集了很多b-roll,有很多人说,‘你能再做一次吗?’ It amplified my emotions.”


Roadtrip Nation旨在帮助不确定职业选择的年轻人获得更多关于职业可能性的知识. By taking a storytelling approach, Roadtrip Nation希望能激励其他对未来职业道路感到同样不确定的学生.

Tevlin became a roadtripper, 在某种程度上, 因为他们在学业上挣扎,不确定自己是否走在正确的道路上.

“When I came to Elmira College, I had some culture shock, especially being in a science field,” they said. Tevlin first planned to major in Enviornmental Science, 但他们改主修社会学和人类学,现在辅修环境科学. “I had a lot of imposter syndrome, 总觉得别人比我聪明,或者背景比我好.”

Tevlin, 杨, 德沃雷茨基在尼亚加拉大瀑布会见了可持续发展专家, 伊萨卡, Plattsburgh, 奥尔巴尼, and New York City. 三人组和他们的摄制团队还在mg冰球突破豪华版下载停下来拍摄特弗林,作为分享他们“背景故事”的一部分.”

在这次旅行中,特夫林与杨、德沃雷茨基以及小剧组的关系越来越密切. “We became a little family.”

Tevlin, who was the youngest on the trip, 我从年长的旅伴身上学到了很多东西.

“我和大卫联系过,但我能看出他在处理大工作量和管理压力方面做得更好. 但我意识到我们是相似的,所以它让我明白我也可以管理一个大的工作量.”

公路旅行者采访了包括尼亚加拉瀑布地区经理Daniella Pipe和Rebecca Evans在内的一系列专业人士, who is crafting the green new deal for 伊萨卡. 三人还采访了一名测试电动飞机的飞行测试人员, and a person working in a sustainable brewery.

“The sustainable brewer was really cool. He doesn’t drink alcohol so he sips and spits,” said Tevlin.

Tevlin said meeting Elizabeth Yeampierre, Executive Director of the nonprofit organization UpRose, had a particularly profound impact on them.

“She was my favorite,” they said. “我是一个棕色人种的酷儿,她让我以一种我从未见过的方式感受到自己的存在,因为作为一个棕色人种的人在这个世界上航行是很困难的.”

接触不同类型角色的人帮助特夫林了解了他们以前不知道的各种可能性. But it also helped Tevlin gain a new sense of confidence.

“员工并不需要像人们想象的那样令人生畏. 我看到的共同主题是,专业人士获得的学位与他们所做的工作并不一定相关,” Tevlin said. “一个主修中国历史的人最终进入了一家编码创业公司. How’d you get from Chinese History to coding? 它不一定重要,也不一定要定义你,除非你想要它.”


在Roadtrip Nation之前,Tevlin为Elmira学院创建了一个视频博客 first-hand look 在学院首届全球气候与正义讲座上. 尽管特夫林仍在权衡毕业后该走什么样的职业道路, 他们知道,他们对可持续发展和环境科学的热情将成为他们旅程的一部分.

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