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动手体验式学习是mg冰球突破豪华版下载教育经验的基石. That includes research, 每年春季,哪些学生可以在学院的学生研究会议上展示.

The 13th annual event, 5月24日举行, 2023 in Cowles Hall, featured 18 research projects involving 26 students, 主题从神经发育障碍的遗传学, best practices for classroom teachers, the challenges international student-athletes face, and soil erosion.

In addition to the research on display around the Cowles Hall Rotunda, talks were given about three of the research topics. Jazmine Knox ' 26的“Slabtown, Elmira的非裔美国人社区”包括回顾 约翰W. 琼斯, who escaped slavery, settled in Elmira, and assisted hundreds of fugitives as an Underground Railroad Station Master; the Green Pastures Jazz Club that attracted notable musicians to the area; and Ernie Davis, 他在埃尔迈拉长大,后来成为第一位获得海斯曼奖杯的非裔美国人.

在她的演讲之后,一些人分享了他们去绿牧场的个人经历. The first question asked was why she wanted to research Slabtown, mg冰球突破豪华版下载东区最初是由获得自由的非裔美国人定居的,并因房屋建筑使用一英尺宽的木板而得名.

“我觉得这是我作为一个来自埃尔迈拉的非洲裔美国人的责任, to show how Elmira had a lively African American community,”她说。.

其他演讲包括Oscar Muñoz Trinidad '23的“国际学生运动员在美国大学面临的困难”和Julia Ambrose '23的“hRad9b功能相互作用者的识别”.”


“有些人提出了一些很好的问题,这些问题是我和比德韦尔教授以前没有讨论过或想过的,” said Alexa Sitzer ’25, an Adolescence Education: Chemistry major. “With our project, 我们正在创建学生开发的补充材料,用于化学课. The handouts have tips and help show students how to solve problems. One person asked us about how we will get the materials to students, forcing us to consider those logistics more carefully.”

“在学生研究会议上的演讲帮助我为我在巴哈马参加的研究会议做准备,” said Jessica Yesensky ’26, 她补充说,她根据与其他学生和教师的对话,改进了她的电梯演讲. Following the Student Research Conference at Elmira, Yesensky前往圣萨尔瓦多的Gerace研究中心参加第四届联合研讨会并发表演讲, 巴哈马群岛.

一年一度的学生研究会议由教务处主办,并由教师志愿者Dr. 郑平博士. Kelly Kane, and Dr. 艾比保尔森.

A panel of faculty judges evaluated the quality, 组织, content, and clarity of the student presentations. They awarded the following prizes:

  • Best Research Talk: Julia Ambrose ’23
  • 最佳社会科学和文科海报:Isabella DeAmelia '24和Lindsey Smith '24
  • Best Natural Sciences Poster Research Project: Paige Stilts ’23
  • Best Natural Sciences Poster Presentation: Christian Zwierlein ‘24

The full line-up of student research topics included:

  • James Blair '23; The Effects of Reacting to Altruism
  • Isabella DeAmelia '24 and Lindsey Smith '24; Punitive or Restorative?: Reflections on Current Teachers’ Classroom Management Practices
  • Grace Whiffen '24: Feasibility of Solar Panels at 埃尔迈拉大学
  • Chris 琼斯 '25; What Creates a Dynasty in the MLB
  • Jessica Yesensky '26 & Alleney Klunk '24; San Salvador Island Erosion Vulnerability Index
  • Calli Vocke '23; Food and Diet in Guatemala
  • Paige Stilts '23; Comparison of Known and Potential Interactions to SARS-CoV2 Main Protease
  • Victoria Behun '26, MacKenzie Brown '26, Michael Connor '26, & 欧文马斯卡罗'26:“零浪费”的一次性塑料由藻类kappa -卡拉胶生产
  • Alexa Sitzer '25; Integrating Student Developed Community Based 学习ing 活动 into General Chemistry
  • Ryan Hardy '23:确定等长有机溶剂对水溶有机溶剂混合物中酶活性的影响
  • 内森·罗马诺'25:使用WIMP分析来量化当地水道中的细菌种群
  • Christian Zwierlein '23: Using C.研究mthf-1基因与神经发育障碍的关系
  • Ellie Zenner '24:使用ESP8266微处理器开发基于arduino的冰箱冷冻报警器
  • Mason Davis '24 & Trevor Henneman:从螺旋藻生物量中分离蓝色色素c -藻蓝蛋白
  • 兰迪Cavazza & Trevor Henneman:利用GCMS快速评价啤酒花中葎草酮和狼疮酮的含量,以协助地区酿酒厂, Hop Growers and the Local Hop Growers Guild

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